

Let's go a few centuries back. Listen to an extract from Becket about an interesting invention.

Listen to Thomas Becket speaking about a very un-Norman invention. Fill in the missing words.

Thomas Becket: Tonight you can do me the honor of christening my forks.

King Henry: Forks?

Thomas Becket: Yes, from Florence. New little invention. It's for pronging meat and _______________. Saves you from dirtying your fingers.

King Henry: But then you dirty the fork.

Thomas Becket: Yes, but it's __________.

King Henry: So are your fingers! I don't see the point!

Thomas Becket: Well, it hasn't any practically speaking, but it's ________, it's ________, it's very.....un-Norman.

King Henry: Hahaha! You must order me some!


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