These words are used to show how one event has led to a given result:
Because of
Due to
As a result
We use because and since to express the reason for an event happening. After because and since we must use a verb clause (subject + verb). Since is normally used at the beginning of a sentence.
I went to the opera last night because my favorite singer was performing.
Since we can't go out tonight, we should make a nice dinner at home tonight.
Because of and due to are also used to give reason, but are followed by a noun clause (noun, pronoun, gerund). Due to is more formal.
Our flowers have died because of a lack of water.
Due to legal proceedings, we are not permitted to sell our properties.
Therefore, as a result, and consequently are used to show the result of an action. These often express a similar meaning as So, but are more formal. Consequently is normally used as the beginning of a new sentence. Thereforeand as a result can be used with one or two sentences.
He had studied very hard and therefore did quite well on his test.
As a result of our division's strong performance, we will offer a larger bonus this year.
You didn't inform me of the changes. Consequently I completely missed my appointment today.