
Pull, pin, lean

Study the following vocabulary.

My brother used to play hockey, and when he was playing in a championship game we were all pulling for his team to win. We didn't think they would be able to pull it off though, because the members of the team had trouble leaning on each other for support during the game. Every time the other team scored, they all tried to pin the blame on each other. During a break, their coach pinneda poster up on the wall. It said, "There is no ‘I' in ‘TEAM.'”  After that, they were all able to pull together and win the game!

pin onpin on – to make somebody seem responsible
They tried to pin the blame on me.

pull togetherpull together – to make many people or parts of an organization work together
His leadership pulled the party together.

pull for – to support and encourage someone
We're all pulling for you to win the race!

pull off – to succeed in doing something difficult
If anyone can pull it off, I am sure you can.

pull through – to get better after an illness
Few people expected him to pull through after the accident.

pin down – to make unable to move
The older boy had Jimmy pinned down on the floor.

pin up – to fasten with pins
He pinned up a notice on the bulletin board.

lean up against – to rest on for support
We left our bikes leaning up against the wall.

lean on – to depend on
It's good to have somebody to lean on.

lean towards – to tend to support a particular idea
I'm not sure how I'll vote, but I am leaning towards the Democrats.