Exercise 3

Fill in the right prefixes to make new adjectives (in-, il-, ir-, im-, un-, non-, dis-, ), to make new nouns (non-, dis-, mis-, co-, ex-, re-) and to make new verbs (over-, under-, en-, un-, de-, re-) or use the right suffixes and fill in the new adjectives, nouns and verbs.
  1. (adjectives) fashion - - - , nation - - - , option - - - 
  2. honest, moral, decent 
  3. (nouns) survive - - - , apply - - - , compose - - - 
  4. throw, achieve, danger 
  5. information, -founder, conduct 
  6. accurate, logical, -verbal 
  7. (adjectives) culture - - - , annoy - - - , laugh - - - 
  8. qualification, treatment, -founder 
  9. realistic, believable, perfect 
  10. do, install, estimate