Fill in the right prefixes to make new adjectives (in-, il-, ir-, im-, un-, non-, dis-, ), to make new nouns (non-, dis-, mis-, co-, ex-, re-) and to make new verbs (over-, under-, en-, un-, de-, re-) or use the right suffixes and fill in the new adjectives, nouns and verbs.
- (nouns) defend – , brother – , hero – .
- (adjectives)
fortune – ,consider – , shock – . - loyal, believable, personal
- convenient, practical, real
- (adjectives): function – , breath – ,
month – . - estimate, courage, code
- (adjectives) remark – , logic – ,
importance – . - legible, fair, relevant
- -believer, appearance, ability
- (verbs): terror – , popular – , simple – .