Exercise 3

Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets...
  1. Everybody saw him  off the rock. (fall)
  2. If you carry on  all your time doing nothing, you will never amount to anything. (spend)
  3. There's plenty of snow in the mountains so we'll be able to go . (ski)
  4. I admit  her that story even though I knew it was untrue at the time. (tell)
  5. I'm looking forward to  Linda again soon. (see)
  6. You have so many good ideas today, but don't be trying  them all at once. (do)
  7. Have you tried  into her eyes? It might make her  her confidence. (look / lose)
  8. Please finish  that chore and come and give me a hand over here. (do)
  9. He had difficulty  a visa. (get)
  10. Anne is very sleepy. She isn't used to  up so early. (get)