Review – lesson 7 – 11
ING / TO: important rules
1) Here are some more verbs that are followed by -ING:
delay, fancy, consider, admit, miss, involve, finish, postpone, imagine, avoid, deny, risk, practice
For further review go to lesson 7
2) Here are some more verbs that are followed by TO:
offer, decide, hope, deserve, attempt, promise, agree, plan, aim, afford, manage, threaten, refuse, arrange
For further review go to lesson 8
3) Compare!
I remember doing something = I remember to do something =
I have the memory I did not forget
For further review go to lesson 9
4) Prespositions + ing
If a verb comes after a preposition (in / at / with / about, etc.), the verb ends in -ING
For further review go to lesson 10
5) Adjective + to
It was nice of you to help her.
6) Phrases with -ing
It's no use…/ It's no good…
There's no point in…
It's not worth…
Have difficulty
7) Compare!
We saw her waiting for the bus. X We saw her go out.
For further review go to lesson 11