Answer Key

Choose the best explanations for the following words and phrases from the reading...
  1. "Siblings" means:  [your brothers and sisters]
  2. "Imagine" means:  [to make a mental picture of something]
  3. "The baby" means:  [Katherine is the youngest in the family]
  4. "Probably the prettiest" means:  [the writer thinks it is likely that Anna is the prettiest]
  5. "Hardly any food at all" means:  [there wasn't much food]
Are the following questions about the reading true or false?

You answered 0 of 5 questions correctly in this part of the test.

1.   The writer's mother liked life better when her children were young.That is incorrect. Correct is: Look in the text to find out!

2.   The children talked quickly and ate loudly when they were young.That is incorrect. Correct is: Look in the text to find out!

3.   The twins are younger than the writer.That is correct.

4.   The youngest is Anna.That is incorrect. Correct is: Look in the text to find out!

5.   Tom is taller than Mike.That is correct.