Lesson 1 – PAST SIMPLE
They watched / They didn't watch / Did they watch?
begin began bring brought buy bought
come came do did eat ate
get got give gave go went
have had know knew make made
say said see saw take took
For further review go to lesson 1
They have watched / They haven't watched / Have they watched?
begin begun bring brought buy bought
come come do done eat eaten
get got give given go gone
have had know known make made
say said see seen take taken
For further review go to lesson 2
Lesson 3 – GOING TO vs. WILL
GOING TO is used to express a future intention thought about before the moment of speaking.
WILL is used to express a future intention or decision made at the moment of speaking.
For further review go to lesson 3
Lesson 4 – Conditional 1
If I have enough money, I‘ll buy the car.
For further review go to lesson 4
Lesson 5 – Past simple vs. Past continuous
When I came, they were watching TV.
For further review go to lesson 5