
opinionStudy the following vocabulary.


opinion – what you think about something

ask – want to know something
Asking someone for their opinion.

What do you think of his new book?

feel about
How do you feel about living with your schoolmate?

honest opinion – what you really think
Honestly, I think this is impossible.

What's your honest opinion of this book?


giving opinion

in my opinion

personally, I think…
I think / don't think it's a good idea

As far as I'm concerned – based on what I can say

according to – based on somebody else
According to John, he's a really good teacher


agree with
Yes, I agree with you

Certainly – sure, no problem, 100%

That's true

disagreement – when you do not agree

disagree with

partly – 50%

extent – "how much"

I agree to some extent.

I totally disagree.

I don't think so

I'd rather not

It's no use – it makes no sense

That's impossible

never – 0%

perhaps – 70%

maybe – 50%

possibly – 20%