Indicate the correct place in the sentences for the words in brackets...
- Do (1) you (2) go to the cinema (3)? (OFTEN)
- (1) I'll (2) do it (3). (LATER)
- We (1) don't have (2) much time (3). (TODAY)
- They (1) don't (2) come in time (3). (OFTEN)
- We (1) liked (2) the show (3). (VERY MUCH)
- (1) She (2) finishes (3) before seven o'clock. (NEVER)
- I (1) do (2) this in summer (3). (ALWAYS)
- Anne (1) knows (2) what to do (3). (USUALLY)
- The teacher was (1) speaking (2). (VERY QUICKLY)
- (1) I don't have (2) the book (3). (HERE)