
Indicate the correct place in the sentences for the words in brackets...
  1. Do (1) you (2) go to the cinema (3)?  (OFTEN)
  2. (1) I'll (2) do it (3).  (LATER)
  3. We (1) don't have (2) much time (3).  (TODAY)
  4. They (1) don't (2) come in time (3).  (OFTEN)
  5. We (1) liked (2) the show (3).  (VERY MUCH)
  6. (1) She (2) finishes (3) before seven o'clock.  (NEVER)
  7. I (1) do (2) this in summer (3).  (ALWAYS)
  8. Anne (1) knows (2) what to do (3).  (USUALLY)
  9. The teacher was (1) speaking (2).  (VERY QUICKLY)
  10. (1) I don't have (2) the book (3).  (HERE)