Baby white tigers
A zoo in Japan has baby tigers. These are white tigers. They are only one and half months old. They are 5 kilograms heavy. They are from 30 to 40 centimeters long.
Many visitors came to see the tigers. Everybody wanted to see them. There were queues of people.
There are not many white tigers in nature, only about 200. The zoo is very happy to have the babies. They want to show them to many people.
Interesting words: visitor (person who visits), queue (line of people).
Explosion on the sun
There was a big explosion on the sun. NASA filmed it and showed it to people.
Tons of material went from the sun and into space. The material travels in space very fast. The speed is one million miles per hour or even more. It can be bad for satellites. But it is OK this time. It is not going to us or to earth.
Interesting words: explosion (fast change into small pieces), ton (1000 kilograms), space (universe).
Fight in parliament
Venezuelan politicians fought. The fight was between the opposition and the government.
There was a president named Hugo Chavez in Venezuela but he died. People then chose a new president. He won only by 1.49%. The opposition didn't accept him. So the government told them not to speak in the parliament. Then the fighting started.
We don't know who started it. Many people were injured. There are problems in the country too, not only in the parliament. The situation in Venezuela is not good after the death of Hugo Chavez.
Interesting words: fought (fight in the past), accept (say OK to something).
Politician attacked a woman
Security cameras filmed a man. He attacked a woman.
This man was a London politician. He broke the parking rules. It happened in front of a cafe. An owner of the cafe was a woman. She tried to film him. The politician didn't like it. He attacked her.
The man now said that he did a bad thing. He must pay 1,000 pounds.
Interesting words: politician (member of parliament), rules (official law or instructions), owner (person who has something).
Beautiful baby giraffe
A zoo in Los Angeles has a new giraffe. She was born two weeks ago. Her name is Sofie and she is six feet tall. People saw her on Friday for the first time.
She is a Masai kind of giraffe. These giraffes live in East Africa. Giraffes in Africa are in danger. Bad people kill them. The numbers of the giraffes are going down.
You can see Sofie and her mum every day at the zoo.
Interesting words: kind (type), in danger (in a bad situation when you can be killed).
Big fire in California
There was a big fire in California. One big company was on fire. This company made wooden pallets. The wooden pallets burnt quickly. There were cars and other things that burnt too. All of it burnt. People saw the black smoke from the fire everywhere. Firemen fought with the fire. It took them all afternoon. They used a lot of water.
There were many fires in Southern California in April and in May. It doesn't rain and the wind is very strong. The weather helps the fire.
Interesting words: pallets (wooden frame used for moving heavy things), burnt (past form of burn - destroy with fire).