Study the following vocabulary.
a product – something for sale, either natural, made, or a service produce agricultural products such as fruits and vegetables(note,this is an uncountable noun, and the stress is the first syllable "PRO-duce")
to manufacture – to make or produce something
a plant – a factory or other set of buildings used for production and manufacturing
an assembly line – an arrangement of workers or machines and tools in which the product moves from operation to operation until complete
automated – a manufacturing process using machines and / or robots,requiring little human interaction or control
mass-produced – describes items produced in extremely large quantities for sale
output – the number, amount, or type of thing or things produced by a plant, company, industry or country
productivity – a measure of how much is produced in relation to the number of workers or machines operating, the energy or resources expended, etc.
capacity – the maximum number or amount of something that can be produced by a given plant, company, etc.