
Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets...
  1. If you  a few minutes earlier, you would have caught your train. (LEAVE)
  2. If it hadn't rained, we  another set of tennis. (COULD PLAY)
  3.  to work if I had known that the traffic was so bad. (WALK)
  4. You wouldn't have done that if you  how much trouble it was going to cause, huh? (KNOW)
  5. The Rolling Stones might have been considered the greatest British rock band of all-time if the Beatles  so popular. (BE)
  6. He  if you had asked him in a nicer way. (MIGHT HELP)
  7. We  by now if we had started on time. (FINISH)
  8. If I had stayed in my old job any longer I think I  crazy! (GO)
  9. Our holiday was fine, but we  it more if there hadn't been so many crabs on the beach. (ENJOY)
  10. If I had seen a ghost before as well, perhaps I  the story Tom told last night. (BELIEVE)