Old man from Bolivia
A man from Bolivia claims that he is 123 years old. If that's true, he is the oldest living man in the world.
But it won't be easy to prove that he's the oldest man in the world. He does have a baptism certificate, which says that he was born in 1890, but it is not an official document.
He has spent most of his life in a small village. It is located 4000 metres above sea level and it lies close to Lake Titicaca.
The old man's lifestyle is traditional and he keeps himself healthy by taking walks around the village.
Difficult words: claim (say), baptism (when they put water on baby's head) lifestyle (way of life).
Buffaloes on a road
A group of five people were biking on a road in the mountains of the Illinois State when a herd of buffalos started running at them.
It was pretty scary. A buffalo is a big animal. Its weight ranges from 700 to 2200 pounds (318 to 998 kilograms). There were many of the buffaloes, too.
Luckily, no one was hurt. The buffaloes didn't care about the humans and they were gone.
Difficult words: herd (group), range (is between).
Metal in the head
A young Australian man was building a house. He was working in an excavator when a metal rod went through his head.
Other workers saw what just happened and tried to help him. They kept him calm and called for help. When paramedics came, the young man was given morphine. He held the metal rod and the paramedics moved him out of the excavator.
The young man was transported to a hospital. His condition is stable.
Difficult words: excavator (large machine for digging and moving earth), rod (long and thin bar), paramedic (person who helps injured people), stable (not changing and relatively good).
Trees go under water
An underwater sinkhole in a Louisiana swamp consumed a small group of trees. Some people filmed it.
At first, the trees were slowly moving down but then it all got faster. The trees were all soon completely under the surface. We think that the sinkhole was created after an underground cave fell down. The sinkhole is approximately 25 acres wide. Local residents have been asked to evacuate.
Difficult words: swamp (area where water stops), consume (eat), cave (natural space in the ground), evacuate (get away).
Very heavy man
A big rescue operation had to be carried out in Saudi Arabia. A man, who weighs 1344 pounds/610 kilograms, had to be moved from his room.
He had been in his room for 2.5 years before the operation. He had not been able to leave the room. But now, the King of Saudi Arabia ordered him to get treatment and the fat patient was moved onboard a plane. The plane will take him to a hospital where he'll get the help that he needs.
Only one person has ever been heavier than this man. He was an American who died in 1983. He weighed an unbelievable 1386 pounds/629 kilograms.
Difficult words: carry out (do), treatment (medical care).
Horses in Mexico
The people of Mexico City saw and filmed horses running in the streets. No, this was not a joke.
About 25 horses escaped from their trailer. They panicked and started running. One horse even ran into a car. The horse was OK, so it got up and ran away.
These horses were police horses which are used for dealing with protestors.
The horses were later caught by the police. Eight horses injured their hoofs.
Difficult words: trailer (vehicle which is pulled and is used for moving things), deal with (solve problem), hoof (black hard part of a horse's foot).
Man has many Babies
A man from Singapore has a large collection of Barbie dolls. It is one of the biggest collections in the world.
The man owns 6,000 Barbie dolls. His most precious Barbie is his first Barbie. He bought it back in 1984. This type of Barbie was also in a popular movie called "Toy Story".
The hobby of collecting babies can be an expensive one. His most expensive doll cost him $3,600.
The man's hobby of collecting babies doesn't have a good effect on his relationships. No girl can be as perfect as a Barbie.
Difficult words: doll (toy that looks like a small person), precious (very important), relationship (feelings between two people).
Big shark in Philippines
A young whale shark was found dead off the coast of the Philippines.
Villagers saw the dead body in the water and moved it on land. People want to know why the shark died. There are no injuries on its body so they want to open its belly. Maybe, it ate something bad.
The shark had to be transported to a laboratory for the tests. As it is 22 feet long (6.7 meters) and quite heavy, they had to use a big truck.
The water in this area of the Philippines isn't clean. People contaminated it. It is possible that the shark died because of the contamination.
Difficult words: off the coast (in water away from the area where sea touches land), villager (person who lives in a village), contaminate (make dirty).
Hundred cars on a bridge
More than a hundred vehicles crashed on a new crossing bridge in England. The accident was huge.
There was very thick fog and the drivers could not see well. In fact, visibility was down to 20 yards (18 meters). Witnesses said that they heard the screeching of cars' brakes. They also said that some drivers were driving like "idiots".
More than 200 people were probably injured. Some had to be transported to the hospital. Luckily, no one died in this big accident and no car fell from the high bridge.
Difficult words: huge (big), screeching (high unpleasant sound), brake (thing in a car that can make it go slower or stop).
Big talent in China
A Chinese man, who is very interested in snooker, got a snooker table at his son's birth.
His son was growing up, but he couldn't play with normal toys like other children. His father allowed him to play only with the snooker table. So the little boy started to play snooker.
Now, at the age of three, the little boy practices five hours a day. As he has become very good at it, he must be very talented. A lot of people admire him for his exceptional skills.
Difficult words: snooker (game with the special green table, sticks and balls), exceptional (unusually good).