Study the following vocabulary.
Describing trends 1
improve – to get better, as with situations, conditions, or outlooks
expand – to increase in size, amount or volume – closer to "get bigger" than "go up in level"
peak – to reach a high point, or a noun for the highest point reached, for example the highest price reached by an individual stock in one day
decline – go down or decrease in size
fall – go down or decrease quickly and by a large amount
shrink – the opposite of expand, to decrease in size, amount or volume
deteriorate – to gradually worsen over time, usually indicates a slow but continual process
escalate – to get bigger or more intense quickly, as with activity or tension
fluctuate – to move back and forth or up and down between two points without stopping
rise – to go up or increase (note the difference between rise and raise: things rise on their own, i.e. the sun, prices, inflation, while raise means to put up, or the action of making something rise, i.e. to raise prices in your store, or to raise your hand)