
Study the following vocabulary.

Banking 2 – bank charges

interestinterestinterest – a percentage fee added to the debt you have with the bank if you borrow money (or, a payment made to your account as a percentage of the amount you have deposited in the bank, although this is not a charge)

annual feeannual feeannual fee – yearly charge for having some bank accounts and payment cards

withdrawal feewithdrawal feewithdrawal fee – charge for using an ATM to take money from your account

setting-up feesetting-up feesetting-up fee – a fixed charge when an overdraft agreement is made

handling chargehandling chargehandling charge – a fee charged by the bank in relation to a particular payment or transfer

unauthorized overdraft feeunauthorized overdraft feeunauthorized overdraft fee – a single penalty fee charged to an account if it is overdrawn above an agreed maximum

commissioncommissioncommission – a percentage of a credit or debit that may be deducted by the bank

base ratebase ratebase rate – rate used to fix the level of interest on loans from the bank (the actual interest rate is usually set at several points above the base rate)

marginmarginmargin – the percentage above the base rate that a borrower must pay

fixed rate loanfixed rate loanfixed rate loan – a loan with an interest rate that stays constant for the life of the loan