College Students Facing More than Just Exams
Getting into college is often a challenge. Staying in school is another story altogether. The partying lifestyle of college students across the country can be the result of rebellion or a way to deal with the newly discovered stress that college tends to offer.
One of the main problems for university students in the United States is simply getting up in the morning. A new sense of freedom from their parents often leads students to spend more time in the bars and clubs of a university town than in the classroom. Andy Smith, a sophomore at the University of Toledo, says, "I never used to party when I was in high school, living with my parents. It would spell big trouble if my parents ever busted me drinking or staying out too late. When I got to college, I kind of went crazy and did all the things I wanted to do as a teenager, but couldn't." Andy's issues are a common thread among students all over the country. Even classes that should be considered easy can be a problem for under rested party animals.
Staying out and living a reckless lifestyle is often a consequence of the new stress that college students experience in addition to their rebellion from parents. Phil Dobson, a junior at Miami University, is quoted as saying, "I wasn't quite ready for responsibilities I had when I first came to Miami. Between homework stressing me out and term papers building up, I used to party every night to relieve myself. In the end, I ended up sleeping through half of my classes… leading to more stress!"
The result of these issues is what is called the weed-out process. The students that can handle the stress and freedom of college will realize what they need to do to succeed, while students who are not fit to face the challenge will eventually be forced to drop out due to poor grades. This process of narrowing the field ensures that perhaps only the most responsible and level-headed students attending universities will make it through graduation.
Choose the correct explanations…
- …if my parents ever "busted" me drinking or staying out too late means:
- A "common thread" means:
- I "ended up" sleeping through half of my classes means:
- "Getting up" in the morning means:
- The students who are not fit to face the challenge will eventually be forced to "drop out" means:
Are the following statements about the article correct?
1. Difficult classes are the main reason why college students struggle.
2. Students who fall victim to their reckless college lifestyle are less intelligent than those who can cope with the stress and newly discovered freedom.
3. The weed-out process mentioned in the article ensures that not everyone who qualifies for college will be able to graduate.
4. Rebelling from parental control often involves excessive partying among college students.
5. Phil Dobson had such an easy schedule that he was able to stay out late every night and not suffer any consequences.