Exercise 3

Choose the correct modal verbs and fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Example: (CAN'T / MUSTN'T)…She _______ (SEE) me. She was looking to the other side. >>>> She can't have seen me.
  1. (CAN'T / DIDN'T NEED)... They (HEAR) us. We were speaking quietly. 
  2. (SHOULDN'T / COULDN'T)... You (TELL) about it. That was silly. 
  3. (HADN'T / DIDN'T HAVE)... I (STUDY) so much! The teacher got sick and the test has been cancelled. 
  4. (COULD / BE ABLE TO)... You (KILL) us all! Why were you driving so fast? 
  5. (MAY / CAN)... They (LEAVE) early in the morning. 
  6. (SHOULD / WOULD)... You (DO) it yourself! It would have been much better. 
  7. (MUST / HAVE TO)... He (BE) there. I'm sure. I saw his car. 
  8. (MUST / HAVE TO)... It (BE) love, although we broke up after one week. 
  9. (MUST / HAD)... We (WORK) on the report all night. The deadline was the next day. 
  10. (COULD / BE ABLE)... You (STAY) at my place. Why did you pay for a hotel?