Vocabulary test

Drag & drop: Fill in the missing expression. Use the following words and phrases:
  • generic
  • branding
  • make
  • brand awareness
  • brand manager
  • brand image
  • brand-conscious
  • brand
  • brand name
  • model
  1. My girlfriend is totally  – if it isn't Gucci or DKNY, she doesn't want to wear it.
  2. People buy  goods for a variety of reasons, including guarantee of quality, image, lifestyle, and familiarity.
  3. Which  of mineral water has less sodium, Perrier or Evian?
  4. Having an idea for a great new product isn't the only part of successful , you must also have effective advertising, packaging, and constant image maintenance.
  5. That's a nice motorcycle. Kawasaki, right? Which  is it, the 1200 or the 1600?
  6. We were unhappy with the way our products were performing on the market, so we hired a new  who did really well at Kodak last year.
  7. New or unknown brands often use large-scale advertising campaigns, including TV, radio, magazines and billboards, to increase their .
  8. The  that Marlboro tries to express is tough, masculine, independent and free-spirited.
  9. You can save a lot of money by buying  foods at the supermarket – mostly they are the same as the more expensive brands, anyway. After all, you can't eat the box, right?
  10. What do you think is the best  of German sports car – Mercedes or BMW?