Pay with your finger in France

If you go to the supermarket and you have no money or credit card, it is not a problem now.

A supermarket in France started to use fingers if your want to pay.

People don’t need to have their credit cards now. The system remembers their fingers.

At the moment, fifteen hundred people try to use this system. This method could be the end of credit cards.

Interesting words: credit card (card for paying in a shop), method (way how to do something).


Man is set on fire

A film shows a horrible moment. One man attacked another man with fire. It was outside a shop. It was in California.

Police showed a film of the attack. They want to find the man who did it.

The man threw a bottle with fire at another man. The man on fire started to run.

Police don’t know why the man did it. They want to catch him because he is dangerous.

Interesting words: attack (hit or kick somebody), find (see).


Train went off the rails in Austria

A train had an accident in Austria. The train hit something. Its door was broken.

Two girls filmed it. The two girls spoke on the train. They laughed and joked. Then there was a problem. The train hit something. One girl said, “Something is wrong. This is the last hour of our life.”

There was a bad rail. The train went off the rails. The train continued 300 metres. Then it stopped. People were lucky. Everybody was OK.

Interesting words: wrong (bad), rails (metal lines on which trains go), off (away from).