
Choose the correct expression...
  1. I don't like  [_] Mexican food.  [It] is too hot for me.
  2. Where  [does] Rebecca come from? - I think she  [comes] from Venezuela.
  3. She  [doesn't] read detective novels. - What  [does] she read?
  4.  [Don't do] it! It's very risky.
  5.  [Are there] any good  [men] in the team?
  6. What  [do] you prefer? Tea or coffee? - I  [prefer] tea.
  7. Do you know  [their] address? - No, I  [don't] .
  8. What  [does] Liz do? - She is  [a] policewoman.
  9.  [Does] your aunt speak French? - No, she doesn't. She  [speaks] Russian.
  10. There  [isn't] a good plan.  [Our] situation is very bad.