1. 4:15
2. 9:13
3. 3:40
4. 12:05
5. 5:45
6. 7:40
7. 10:10
8. 11:45
9. 8:05
10. 3:30

  1. Our class begins at four fifteen. (4:15)
  2. My mother left this morning at nine thirteen. (9:13)
  3. I'm going to catch my bus at twenty to four. (3:40)
  4. Let's get together at five after twelve. (12:05)
  5. The store closes today at a quarter to six. (5:45)
  6. The movie starts at seven forty. (7:40)
  7. She called this morning at ten past ten. (10:10)
  8. Their plane arrives at a quarter to twelve. (11:45)
  9. Please come to my office at eight oh five. (8:05)
  10. I have to work at half past three. (3:30)