Answer Key

Are the following statements correct?

1.   Betty eats a lot for breakfast.That is incorrect. Correct is: She has only a cup of coffee and a biscuit.

2.   Betty likes her job because she likes fashion.That is correct.

3.   Betty is a vegetarian.That is incorrect. Correct is: She is not a vegetarian.

4.   Betty goes to work by public transport.That is incorrect. Correct is: She goes to work by car.

5.   In the evening Betty watches TV and then goes to bed.That is incorrect. Correct is: She drinks a glass of red wine, reads a book and then she goes to bed.

6.   After work Betty goes always shopping.That is incorrect. Correct is: Not always. Betty usually goes shopping.

7.   In her car, Betty listens to pop music.That is incorrect. Correct is: She listens to the news.

8.   At 1 o'clock Betty goes to a restaurant to have lunch.That is incorrect. Correct is: She buys a takeaway in a salad bar.

9.   Betty lives in the city center.That is incorrect. Correct is: She lives in the suburbs.

10.   Traffic jams make Betty's way to work difficult.That is correct.