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Newest cancer fighters: garlic and onions

A diet rich in garlic and onions may cut the risk of prostate cancer in half, according to a study. 
The study, appearing this week in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, is based on interviews with 238 men with prostate cancer and 471 men who were free of the disease. 
Men in the study, all residents of Shanghai, China, were asked how frequently they ate 122 food items. The results showed that those who ate more than a third of an ounce (nine grams) a day of onions and garlic were about 50 percent less likely to have prostate cancer than those who ate less of the foods. 
Garlic seemed to be the most protective. According to the study, men who ate about a tenth of an ounce or more a day of garlic reduced their prostate cancer risk by about 70 percent. 
"The reduced risk of prostate cancer associated with onions and garlic was independent of body size, intake of other foods and total calorie intake and was more pronounced for men with localized than with advanced prostate cancer," the study authors reported. 
The authors said that there were "some potential limitations" to the study, including its dependence on self-reported food consumption data. 
The study was made by researchers at the National Cancer Institute, one of the National Institutes of Health, and at the Shanghai Cancer Institute in Shanghai, China.

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Are the following statements about the text correct?

1.   Onions are more protective than garlic.

2.   "Some potential limitations" mean that we can't trust the study for 100%.

3.   "The study, appearing this week in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute" means the study was published in the journal.

4.   "The reduced risk of prostate cancer associated with onions and garlic was independent of body size" means that it's not important what your weight is if you want to reduce the risk of cancer.

5.   "Men in the study, all residents of Shanghai, China" means the men were born in China.

6.   "A diet rich in garlic and onions may cut the risk of prostate cancer in half" means that garlic and onions can stop cancer.

7.   the reduced risk of prostate cancer was more pronounced for men with localized than with advanced prostate cancer" means that patients with serious cancer problems have the same chance as other patients.

8.   According to the study, nine grams of garlic and onions a day can reduce the risk of cancer by 50 percent.

9.   "Self-reported food consumption data" means that the tested people informed about their consumption, that the doctors didn't check what they really ate.

10.   The study of the National Cancer Institute tested people with prostate cancer.