
Before you start reading, study the following vocabulary:


At the police

Inspector: Mr. Smith, where were you on Tuesday?
Suspect: On Tuesday? Well, I was in New Jersey.
I: Why were you in New Jersey?
S: I was there on holiday.
I: Where were you staying, Mr. Smith?
S: I was staying at the Grand Hotel.
I: Were you there alone?
S: Yes. Alone. I needed relaxation.
I: Did you meet anybody in the hotel restaurant on Tuesday evening?
S: No, I didn't. Oh, wait a second. I did.
I: Who did you meet?
S: I was eating my dinner. And there was this strange man. He wanted to sit at my table.
I: What did he look like?
S: He was tall. Very tall. Quite slim. Dark hair.
I: What was he wearing?
S: Black trousers, a brown jacket and a big hat. He looked very strange.
I: Was he American?
S: No, he wasn't.
I: Where was he from?
S: I think he was from Mexico.
I: Ok, Mr. Smith. We know you're lying!
S: I am not. It's true. He looked very Mexican-like.
I: Why did you kill your brother?
S: I didn't. That's nonsense. My brother is dead?
I: Somebody saw you in his flat when he was dead.
S: That's not possible. Who saw me?
I: I can't tell you. What were you looking for in his flat?
S: I wasn't in his flat.
I: We found your fingerprints in the flat.
S: Well, I visit my brother sometimes.
I: You're lying! You killed your brother!
S: I didn't. Are you crazy?
I: Ok, ok. That's enough for today. We'll continue tomorrow.

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Are the following sentences correct?

1.   Mr Smith was looking for something in his brother's flat.

2.   The police inspector will question Mr Smith again tomorrow.

3.   Mr Smith thinks that the police inspector is crazy.

4.   The strange man was American.

5.   The police has no evidence that Mr Smith killed his brother.

6.   Mr Smith knows his brother is dead.

7.   The man at Mr. Smith's table was strange because he was slim and dark-haired.

8.   The police inspector thinks that Mr Smith killed his brother.

9.   The police inspector thinks that Mr Smith is not telling the truth.

10.   Mr Smith went on holiday to New Jersey.