Sleep anywhere with this pillow


Are you always tired? One thing can help you. It is the Ostrich pillow. If you are in the office or on the road, the Ostrich pillow can give you the chance to sleep.

It is for people from different jobs: firemen, students, doctors who sleep in hospitals, people who travel a lot and spend a lot of time in airplanes, people who study a lot in libraries.

The pillow has a special design. If you use it, you can feel that you are not connected with things around you and you can sleep.

Interesting words: tired (with no energy), ostrich (big bird with long legs that cannot fly), pillow (thing under your head when you sleep).


Israel blocks very slim models


Israel blocked very slim models from television, magazines, websites and shows. Israel also blocked models who have only little fat and muscles on their tall bodies.

Israel wants to protect young teenagers from eating problems, for example anorexia or bulimia. Young teenagers want to be like models on TV and in magazines. And it is not good for them.

Interesting words: fat (substance under your skin), muscles (part of your body which helps you move), protect from (save from).


Depardieu meets Putin


Gerard Depardieu is very famous. He is from France. He went to Russia and he met the country’s president Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Putin gave him a Russian passport. Then they had dinner together.

The French film star has got his new Russian passport because France wants to have a 75 percent tax for people who make more than one million euros. There is only a 13 percent tax in Russia for these people. Depardieu spoke very well about Russia in the newspapers. He also wants to learn the Russian language. 
Interesting words: famous (known by many people), then (after something).


Men steal things from cars


Some young men steal things from cars in Lima. Lima is in Peru. They do it during the day. They steal from cars which are stopped. The cars are stopped in big traffic jams. They steal money and other things from hands of people who are in the cars.

A camera in the street filmed the men. Police took the men to the police station. There will be a new strong law in Lima. It will stop these men. They will stop stealing.

Interesting words: steal (take illegally), traffic jam (street with many slow cars).


The coldest village in the world


Do you have a feeling that this winter is very cold? Think about people who live in one Russian town. They say that they live in the coldest town on Earth. The name of their town is Oymyakon. The town is in Siberia. The temperatures very often go down to minus 60.

The people say that these low temperatures are sometimes for ten days. There is another special thing in their town. It is the horse. The horse lives in these low temperatures. The horse is small but very strong. The horse can live in very cold winters.

Interesting words: coldest (most cold), low (down).