Dolphin moves on his belly


A man in Ukraine trained a dolphin. The dolphin can jump out of the water. He can move on his belly. The dolphin’s name is Gosha. He can move on his belly 10 meters.

The man says that Gosha learned it from people. He says that it is like teaching a man to go up a tree like a monkey or swim like a fish.

Interesting words: move (change from one place to another), belly (middle part of an animal’s body).


Helicopter went into the sea


A helicopter went down into the sea near Rio de Janeiro. Four people were in the helicopter. They will be OK. The helicopter went down into water near people who were swimming in the sea.

The people from the helicopter wanted to help swimmers who were too far in open water. People who were in the helicopter don’t know why the helicopter went down.

Interesting words: too (very much), far (not near).


People took alligator’s eggs


People try to take eggs from alligators in Australia. They do it because they want to help alligators. Alligators are cannibals. If the eggs stay in the park, other alligators will eat them.

The weather in Australia is very hot. It is not good for the eggs. The team will take the eggs to a better place.

When people finished their work, a big alligator came out from water. He wasn’t happy. So people went away from him.

Interesting words: cannibal (animal which eats animals of the same kind), stay (not to go away).


Four special boys are born


It was a special present. It was on Valentine's Day. A woman from Texas had four babies on the 14th of February. They were two pairs of identical twins.

The four babies were born in Houston. The parents say that they feel very happy. It is a very unusual situation. The chances are 1 in 70 million. Two boys had one placenta and the two other boys had another placenta.

Interesting words: identical (the same, twin (one of two children born at the same time), placenta (part of a mother which feeds the unborn baby).


Two ships were hit by another ship


Activists protest against whale hunting. They say that two of their ships were hit by a Japanese ship. They want help from Australia. They want help from one Australian ship. The activists tried to stop one Japanese ship which wanted to catch whales. The Japanese ship hit the activists’ ship.

Japanese ships can catch 1,000 whales every year for science. Every year activists try to stop the Japanese ships.

Interesting words: activists (people who want to change something), hunting (catching and killing).