Countries in Asia go up and up
Countries in Asia go up and up. Next year the situation will be good in China and some other countries of East Asia - Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia and Burma. Experts say that China's economy will go up by 8.4 percent. It is better than before because it was 8.1 percent before.
The experts also say that these countries are very strong. The world economy has problems now but this part of the world doesn’t feel these problems. The experts say that there could be only one problem if investors in China don’t use a lot of money.
Interesting words: expert (specialist), percent (%), investor (person who gives money to a company and wants more money back later).
The Mayan calendar ends today
Thousands of people in many countries prepare for the end of the world. Today is the end of the Mayan calendar. Hundreds of people met in one Mexican city. They met near the Mayan buildings. Many people believe that this day is the start of new time for people. It is the start of new life for people.
On this day, Mayans in Guatemala protested against racism and discrimination. In one very old city in Guatemala tourists and other people celebrated this day with very old rituals.
Interesting words: calendar (usually a book with days), Mayan (person from Central America or southern Mexico), celebrate (drink, eat and be happy because it is a special day), ritual (special ceremony).
Story for Christmas
It is Christmastime. We don’t have any news for you. We want to play this great video. It is about people and dogs. It is from the film Eight Below. This is the text in the video:
Good girl. Good job, Maya. Put the line over him. Good girl. Doc, keep your left arm on the ice, like it is, but I want you to reach up with your right arm. You gotta get your elbow and your arm up through the loop. You can do it. There you go. Good job, doc. Yeah, just like that. Alright. Maya, come on.
Good girl, Maya. Good girl. I got you, doc. I got you. Keep it tight. Line them up, Maya! Right now! Come on! Take it home! Line up! Hike! Come on, Maya! Come on Old Jack! Come on, kids! Hike! All right, doc, you hang in there, OK? We are gonna get you home, alright?
Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it’s Christmas.
Interesting words: line (rope), reach (move), gotta (must), elbow (part of your arm), loop (circle),tight (straight), line up (put into a line), hike (pull up), kid (child) hang (stay), are gonna (will).
People protest against extremists
People in Dresden, Germany blocked a meeting of a neo-Nazigroup. It was on Wednesday evening. 13,000 people protested against neo-Nazism. They wanted to show that there is no place for neo-Nazism in Dresden. They wanted to show that they are against racism.
3,500 policemen came to Dresden too. They wanted to stop fights between protesters and the neo-Nazi group. There were no big problems but two policemen had to go hospital. And some people had to go a police station.
Interesting words: neo-Nazi (somebody who likes ideas of Adolf Hitler), racism (idea that people with some color of skin are better than other people).