Answer Key

Are the statements correct?

1.   Shipman will be killed.That is incorrect. Correct is: He's going to stay in prison for life.

2.   Harold Shipman killed some of his patients by accident.That is incorrect. Correct is: He wanted to kill them.

3.   "Relatives of patients" means that the patients were not really patients.That is incorrect. Correct is: "Relatives" means, for example, mother, father, brother, etc.

4.   The police knows his motive.That is incorrect. Correct is: That's what they don't know.

5.   Shipman is one of the worst killers in the world.That is incorrect. Correct is: He's the worst killer in Britain.

6.   He often killed old ladies.That is correct.

7.   When Shipman's patient did not want to cooperate, he killed him / her.That is correct.

8.   Blair's spokesman is afraid that patients will not like their doctors.That is correct.

9.   "The families trusted their doctor" means "they believed him".That is correct.

10.   He killed his victims with a large knife.That is incorrect. Correct is: He used drugs.