
Before you start reading, study the following vocabulary:

Serial killer
Terminally ill


English family doctor Harold Shipman, known as "Dr. Death", killed 215 of his patients.
Shipman, 56, a doctor in the town of Hyde near Manchester, is Britain's worst serial killer. Relatives of patients killed by Shipman said they were shocked. The "cold blooded" killer dispatched his "patients" – mostly old women – with large amounts of diamorphine, or heroin, from 1975 to 1998.
His motives for the killings is not clear. Shipman began ending the lives of terminally ill patients and then moved on to patients that he found annoying or uncooperative.
The relatives of Mr Shipman's patients are finding out what really happened. They were murdered by somebody their families trusted very much – their doctor.
Prime Minister Tony Blair's official spokesman hopes the horror of the Harold Shipman affair will not destroy trust between doctors and patients.
Shipman will spend the rest of his life in prison.

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Are the statements correct?

1.   Shipman will be killed.

2.   Harold Shipman killed some of his patients by accident.

3.   "Relatives of patients" means that the patients were not really patients.

4.   The police knows his motive.

5.   Shipman is one of the worst killers in the world.

6.   He often killed old ladies.

7.   When Shipman's patient did not want to cooperate, he killed him / her.

8.   Blair's spokesman is afraid that patients will not like their doctors.

9.   "The families trusted their doctor" means "they believed him".

10.   He killed his victims with a large knife.