Answer Key

Are the following statements correct?

1.   Rick isn't feeling ok.That is correct.

2.   Liz is going to the theater on her own.That is incorrect. Correct is: She would like to go with Rick.

3.   Rob has a lot of plans for the evening.That is incorrect. Correct is: He has no plans.

4.   The tickets didn't cost much.That is incorrect. Correct is: They were very expensive.

5.   Liz wants to help Rob understand.That is correct.

6.   When Rob says "That's a good deal", it means he wants to go.That is correct.

7.   Rob doesn't know Macbeth.That is incorrect. Correct is: He does.

8.   Rob is afraid he will not understand what the actors are saying.That is correct.

9.   When Liz says "I'm really looking forward", it means "I'm going to see the play"?That is incorrect. Correct is: It means she is excited about her evening program.

10.   Rob doesn't like Shakespeare's plays because they are too long.That is incorrect. Correct is: He doesn't like them because they are too old.