
Time prepostions

At – when you speak about time It starts at 6.

In – when you speak about longer periods of time (year, season, month) I was born in 1972.

On – when you speak about days I met her on Monday.

Some prepositional phrases:

In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening

At night

At the weekend

At Christmas

There are no prepositions with next, last, every, and this

Let us meet next week.

From – to (from 1882 to 1912, from 8 am to 5 pm)

Until (I will wait here until 7 pm, I will wait until she comes back)

Since (from some time up to now, since the revolution)

For (for some period of time, for 20 years)

Before (Monday is before Tuesday)

After (Wednesday is after Tuesday)

During (all the time when something is going on, I slept during the concert)

Prepositions of place

in – (“inside”) in the house

at – (not really inside, more general) at home

on – (sitting on the place) on the table

Special prepositional phrases:

In bed, in the sky, in the world, in a picture

At home, at work, at school, at the airport, at a party

Under (our dog is sleeping under the table)

Behind (when somebody is behind you, you cannot see him)

Opposite (when somebody is sitting opposite you, you are looking directly at him)

Next to (you want to sit next to your gorlfriend/boyfriend)

Between (Tuesday is between Monday and Wednesday)

In front of (like BEFORE, but used for places)

Over (the lamp is over the table)

Through (if you want to go from Poland to Austria, you go through Czech Republic)

Special prepositions

by – transport: by bus, by car, by plane…

by – authorship: by Mozart, by Picasso…

on television, on the radio, on fire, on holiday