Would like

Would like

WOULD LIKE is a polite phrase ( We use would like or d like to say politely what we want, especially when making offers and requests)

- it is often used when you are in a restaurant, when you speak to your boss, when you want to be nice to someone

- it means WANT, but it is nicer

• Would you like some coffee?

• What would you like to eat?

• Would you like to go to the cinema with me?

- the negative form of WOULD is WOULD NOT


- Be careful about the difference between I LIKE and I WOULD LIKE


- We use Do you like …? to ask about preferences in general. We don’t use Do you like …? to make offers or requests.


Do you like rice?

Would you like some rice?

Do you like dancing?

Would you like to dance?

asks about likes and dislikes in general

offers some rice

asks about likes and dislikes in general

invites you to dance

• I like apples. (IN GENERAL)

• I would like an apple. (I WANT IT NOW)

- the spoken form of WOULD is just 'D

• I'd like something to eat.

• I'd like to go with you.