Amazing attack by a leopard

Leopards usually run after other animals. They have special colours. It is difficult to see them in nature. 

Sometimes, they don’t run after other animals. They wait for them. 

One leopard was on the ground. He didn’t move. He was waiting. A group of antelopes started to run to him. He waited. Then he jumped and killed one antelope.

Some people filmed the whole situation on camera. They waited half an hour for this moment. 

Interesting words: antelope (animal in Africa), whole (all).

Policeman hit a woman

There was a horrible moment at a street party in Philadelphia. Somebody threw water into the air. The water hit some policemen.

The policemen turned. They saw a woman who was walking away. One policeman thought that she did it. He hit her in her face. The woman fell down. They took the woman to the police station.

People put the video on the internet. The policeman will have to explain why he did it. He was a good policeman in the past. 

Interesting words: threw (past form of throw), explain (say why somebody did something).


Baby eats only with music

Some babies don’t want to eat and they cry. Parents of a 10-month-old Benjamin know what to do.

They play one special song to him. They play a Korean song Gangnam Style. This song is very popular now. It can also help parents when they want to feed children.

So, if you like little babies and if you like this song, this video is for you.

Interesting words: popular (something what a lot of people like), feed (give food to).