Complaints – Tutorial



Imagine you are receiving a customer's letter of complaint. What type of letter would encourage you to respond positively and helpfully to the complaint? Effective complaints letters should be: concise, factual, constructive, and friendly.

Keep in mind that most errors are unintentional, and realize that most businesses and organizations want to address and clear up complaints quickly in order to have satisfied customers or members.

Be brief. Keep your letter to one page, and write short paragraphs, rather than long ones. Use the key facts, especially dates and reference numbers. For example:

"The above part number 1234 was delivered to xyz address on 00/00/00 date and developed abc fault on 00/00/00 date..."

Be honest and straightforward, and include sufficient detail to back up your claim. Leave out irrelevant details. Keep your letter concise and professional.

Include also, something complimentary about the organization and its products, service, or people. For example:

"I've long been a user of your products/services and up until now have always regarded you are an excellent supplier/organization. I have every faith, therefore, that you will do what you can to rectify this situation."

Keep a firm but respectful tone, and avoid aggressive, accusing language. It may be surprising, but threatening people generally does not produce good results. People like helping nice friendly people. People do not find it easy to help nasty people who attack them.

In fact, complaints are better and more quickly resolved if you take the view that it's nobody's fault. If you use phrases like – "I realize that mistakes happen..."; "I'm not blaming anyone...."; "I'm sure this is a rare problem...", the person at the other end will relax and he will be more willing to help you, because you are friendly and reasonable.

And also remember that a bit of humor in a complaint letter creates a friendly, intelligent and cooperative impression. So make the people smile and your complaint will be resolved soon.


Study the STRUCTURE of a formal letter of complaint

Dear (Contact Person) / Dear Sirs

  • On (date) I (bought, rented, etc.) a (name of the product) at (location and other important details
  • Unfortunately, your product (service) has not performed well because….
  • I am disappointed because (the product does not work properly, or I was billed the wrong amount, etc.)
  • To resolve the problem, I would appreciate it if you could… (money back, repair, exchange, etc.)
  • Enclosed are copies of my records (receipts, warranties, contracts, etc)
  • I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem, and will wait until (time limit)
  • Please contact me by phone at (your number)
  • Sincerely,

Enclosure(s) cc: (reference to whom you are sending a copy of this letter)