Career – Text
Check unknown vocabulary before you read the text:
cubicle – A small compartment, as for work or study
appearance – the state, condition, manner, or style in which a person or object appears; outward look or aspect
reflection – an image; representation as in a mirror
capability – capacity; ability
flaw – defect; fault
within easy reach – not too far from you
to jot – to write or mark down quickly or briefly
train of thought – the connections that link the various parts of an event or argument together
secure – free from danger or harm; safe
to stack – to pile, arrange, or place in a stack / pile
to alleviate – to make easier to endure
out of sight, out of mind – “if you do not see something, you do not remember”
anxiety – distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger
accomplishment – something done; fulfillment
to track – follow
to spin out of control – to move or run so fast that one cannot stop it
Is a messy office bad for your career?
Some say a messy cubicle makes a bad impression. Others say bosses only care whether you get your work done. Who is right? People often don't realize that piles of paper, boxes in corners, and stacks of stuff behind the office door can affect one's upward mobility. Appearances are important.
Why? Your office is a reflection of your capabilities. Even though a messy desk isn't a sign of a character flaw, it does tend to give your managers and colleagues the impression that the job is too much for you to handle, you can't make decisions, you are not doing the job, or all of the above. Okay, then. Time to tidy up. Here's how to get started:
Store the information and materials you use most often within easy reach – perhaps in your right-hand desk drawer.
Put things away as soon as you stop working on them. If you're working on something and get interrupted, try posting a sticky note on the page, jot your thoughts on it, and then file it. That will help you pick up your train of thought more quickly when you get back to it again.
Keep a to-do list close at hand, preferably sorted by category (Do, Call, Write, etc.). Update it at the end of each day.
Set up a filing system. Many people feel more secure when all their active projects are in sight, but that doesn't mean everything has to be strewn across your desk. If any projects are visible, they should only be the four or five that need your immediate attention on any given day, stacked in a vertical file. Put them away as you go. Your day is complete when all the files are off your desk. Noting each project on your to-do list, keeps everything within view and alleviates 'out-of-sight, out-of-mind' anxiety.
Plan your day. A short daily session to review each day's accomplishments, and a weekly plan to track your goals a week or two ahead of time, are a must. Planning helps to prevent many of the fires that cause our days to spin out of control. If you do it carefully, it will also eliminate most of the paper from your desk.