Career – Comprehension Check



  1. When should you update your to-do list? 
  2. Your office is “a reflection of your capabilities” means 
  3. When should you put things away from your desktop? 
  4. Which of the options best completes this sentence? “That will help you pick up your train of thought more quickly...”
  5. Which impression could your messy office give to your colleagues? 
  6. Which phrases best defines SET UP in this sentence? “Set up a filing system.” 
  7. A weekly plan to track your goals a week or two ahead of time, is a “MUST” means 
  8. “That will help you to pick up your TRAIN OF THOUGHT” means
  9. Which linking word best fits this sentence? “  a messy desk isn't a sign of a character flaw, it does tend to give your managers and colleagues the impression that the job is too much for you to handle.”
  10. Which description best matches the “out-of-sight, out-of-mind” anxiety?