Money – Vocabulary and Phrases


money (UC) – coins or banknotes used in trading
Money is all I need.

to spend money on – to pay for
Last week I spent 1500 CZK on books.

to earn money – to make money
I earn a lot but I also spend a lot. So in the end I don't have any money.

to lose money – to spend money in a bad way
I lost all my money in Las Vegas

to pay for sth – invest into something
I paid 2000 CZK for my new desk.

to cost – to have a price
My new coat cost 1200 CZK.

to waste money – to use it badly
Children often waste their money on sweets.

to make money – to work and as a result have money
He made a lot of money selling drugs.

free – without cost, payment, or charge
Take an extra ketchup. It is free. You don’t have to pay anything for it.

cheap – low price
It was a very cheap trip, we only paid 300 EUR for it.

expensive – high price
It is the most expensive watch I have ever seen. It cost almost half a million dollars.

worth – value
It is worth about 50 CZK.

to afford sth. – to have enough money to do something
I can't afford to buy it. It is too expensive for me.

to buy – to pay for something to have it
I bought this car from my friend but it does not work too well.

to sell – to give something to someone and make money on it
I sold all my things and moved to Mongolia.

to win – to be successful in a game
My mother won a million CZK in the lottery and bought a house in Moravia.

cash – money in the form of coins or banknotes
I don't carry any cash in my wallet. I only use credit cards.

currency – money in any form when in actual use as a medium of exchange, especially circulating paper money
The currency of the UK is the British pound.

coin – a piece of metal stamped and issued by the authority of a government for use as money
If you want to get some coffee you need to put a 10 CZK coin into the slot.

a note – a piece of paper stamped and issued by the authority of a government for use as money
Who is printed on the 1000 CZK note?

a credit card – a plastic card having a magnetic strip, issued by a bank or business authorizing the holder to buy goods or services on credit
Do you take credit cards or do I have to pay cash?

pocket money – money for small, current expenses
My children don’t get any pocket money. They are too young.

to pay by a credit card – to use a credit card to pay for
Do you want to pay by credit card or in cash?

a bank transfer – to send money from one account to another
Bank transfer is not a universally available payment method nor is there a standard procedure for all banks.

a fee – payment for service
How much is your doctor's fee?

income – money received by a person as wages, salary, etc
His family cannot live on his income.

tax – a sum of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or services, levied upon incomes, property, sales, etc.
The government is planning to increase taxes.

income tax – a tax paid on income over a certain amount
In 1862, in order to support the Civil War effort, Congress enacted the nation's first income tax law.

pension – a fixed amount paid at regular intervals to a person in consideration of past services, age, injury, etc
He lives on his pension

poor – having little money
He grew up in a poor family.

rich – having a lot of money
She likes only rich successful men.

a millionaire – a person that has $1,000,000 and more
I would like to be a millionaire.

a beggar – a person who asks for some money (usually on a street)
I gave the beggar all the coins I found in my pocket.

to beg for money – to ask for money
Indonesian quake survivors beg for money.