Customer satisfaction and telephone talk – Vocabulary and Phrases
a customer – a person who buys from a shop or from a business
This restaurant does not have many customers, because the waiters are very slow and unpleasant.
good/poor customer service – the way the company helps and serves the customers
Good customer service is the key to success in sales.
helpful – giving help, useful
The shop assistant was very helpful - she helped me choose the right colour of the dress.
skilled – trained, experienced, good at something
He is very skilled. He can help you with your computer problems.
impolite – showing bad manners
It is very impolite to read a newspaper in front of your customers.
polite – showing good manners
friendly – nice, helpful, polite
They have a very friendly customer service: the ladies always smile and are ready to help.
unfriendly – not friendly
customer satisfaction – when the customer is happy with the service or product
Customer satisfaction is our top priority.
a satisfied customer – a happy customer
Were you satisfied with their products? Yes, very much.
a dissatisfied customer – an unhappy, angry customer
He was very dissatisfied with the service - they were impolite and brought him some cold soup.
to be satisfied/dissatisfied with sth. – to be happy with sth.
to complain about – to say that you are not happy or not satisfied with something
He always complains about his wife.
a complaint – a reason why you are not happy with sth.
I'd like to make a complaint: the TV you sold me does not work.
to deal with complaints – to manage complaints, to solve a problem
It is important to handle complaints/deal with complaints quickly.
to handle complaints – to deal with
to meet customer needs – to make sure the customers get what they want
It is not easy to meet all the needs of our customers but we are doing our best.
a loyal customer – a customer who uses only your services and products
A loyal customer will always choose our product instead of a cheap product.
loyalty cards – a card giving you special benefits when you are buying products and services of a specific company
With this loyalty card you will get a free coffee for every ten coffees you buy.
refund – to pay back money received or spent
If I am not happy with your service, will I get a refund?
to answer a phone call – to pick up the ringing phone
Will somebody please answer the phone? I'm in the bathroom…
to call – to phone somebody
I'm calling about the sofa delivery. When can I expect it?
to return a call – to call a person who called you when you were not in the office
Mr. Jones? Hi, this is Veronica. I'm returning your call from earlier today. What can I do for you?
to put through – to connect a phone call
I need to speak to the manager. It is very important. Can you put me through, please?
a service – a business that offers work or products to customers, but does not produce any goods, e.g. insurance service
We offer Internet banking as one of our services.
a reliable service – one you can trust
They are very reliable - they always keep their promise.
an unreliable service – one you can't trust, you can’t depend on
to rely on – to trust somebody to do something
I know I can rely on my manager - she always helps me with all my problems.
an extension number – the number of each different phone in a company
What's Jane's extension number? She is on extension 321
telephone directory – a book with a list of telephone numbers
I found their number in the directory.
switchboard – the equipment which distributes calls to the different departments and offices in a company
This number will take you to switchboard and they will put you through to anyone you need.
engaged – in use
The line is still engaged. They have been on the phone for half an hour now.
wrong number – incorrect number
I think she gave me a wrong number. When I call, nobody answers.
to take a message – to ask somebody why they are calling when the person they want to talk to is not there
I'm afraid Ms. Fletcher is not in at the moment. Can I take a message or will you call again later?
to leave a message – to tell somebody why you are calling when the person they are calling is not there
Can I leave a message for the manager, please? I'll be late for our meeting.
to dial a number – to choose a number to call somebody
I am afraid you dialled the wrong number: this is Pizza Express and not Aqua Inc.
to put somebody on hold – to tell somebody to wait on the phone
They put me on hold for 5 minutes and then somebody else picked up the phone.
to get cut off – when the connection is broken
I got cut off in the middle of the conversation. I have to call her again.