The world of work – Practice 2

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word or phrase in the correct form.
  1.  is a person who does not work anymore because of his or her age.
  2. I always take a  in September when the weather is nice.
  3. When I am 65 years old, I will  and get pension.
  4. There are 5 people in the marketing  in our company.
  5. Stop lazing ! We have a lot of work to do!
  6. I always have lunch in the office . It is quick and tasty.
  7. Tomorrow all employees will have to  a meeting about safety.
  8. I work  a steel company.
  9. It is a -time job. I work 40 hours a week.
  10. This company  200 people. Most of them work in the office.