Clients – Comprehension Check

  2. How did Mr Pearson understand the “Satisfaction Guaranteed” sign in the store window?
  3. “The judge DISMISSED the case” means 
  4. Did Mrs Chung like the verdict? 
  5. There is a grammar mistake in this sentence: “He claimed they lost a favorite pair of his trousers and later tried to give him a pair that were not him.” Which of the options has the mistake?
  6. Which of the options best completes this sentence? “The "Satisfaction Guaranteed" sign in the store window made Mr Person expect...” 
  7. What is COMMON SENSE
  8. Where do the Chungs come from? 
  9. Do the Chungs want Mr Person to be their customer in the future? 
  10. There is a logical mistake in this sentence: “The judge said that, while consumers can't be protected, lawsuits like this would not be tolerated.” Which of the options has the mistake?