Letter of resignation – Vocabulary and Phrases



Useful vocabulary and phrases

It is with great reluctance that I submit this letter of resignation, effective October 31, 2007.

With regret and anticipation I submit this letter of resignation, effective May 15, 2003.

Circumstances require that I resign my position as Senior Safety Officer, effective on June 28, 2008.

It is with both regret and anticipation that I submit this letter of resignation, effective January 22, 2007.

hereby tender my resignation from my position as Associate Product Manager.

This resignation letter is to inform you that my last day at Champion Motors will be June 15th, two weeks from today.

Reasons for Resignation

I will be relocating to Vienna, Austria, to pursue a new endeavour.

I have decided to take this time to evaluate my current goals and investigate new opportunities.

I have decided to further my education in pursuit of (a particular degree or future position).

I have decided to change the course of my current career goals and will be pursuing a new direction in Advertising.

I have accepted a position with ABC Company, as an opportunity to further my current career goals and achieve growth within a supervisory role.

If you're leaving this position for reasons other than accepting a new position, you should be honest in your response, but avoid being overly negative. Refer to the positive reasons you are moving on to, not the negative things you are leaving behind.

Appreciative Phrases

It has been a genuine pleasure working for BIG Company during these past four years. I have enjoyed working with ABC's fine staff of professionals, and I will miss my associations here. I wish you and ABC Company continued success in all your endeavours.

I have appreciated the opportunities and experiences that have been provided to me during my 3 years of service for Alpha Omega.

Working for Baskin Boats has been a wonderful experience. I could not ask for a better group of colleagues. I have grown in many ways here and will always treasure the opportunities provided for me by Baskin.

The time I have spent at Creative Catering has been most rewarding and helpful in my career, and I hope that my contributions to the company have been constructive.

It is imperative that you include some positive comments about your time and association with this company. This can sometimes be the most difficult task. Consider what this position has taught you, what positive skills you have acquired, and how it has helped you decide on your career path for the future.

Offer of Assistance

If I may be of any assistance in the hiring process or training of my replacement, please know that I will gladly make myself available to this effort during the next four weeks

If there is anything I can do to be of assistance during the transition, please let me know.

Please be assured that I will do all I can to assist in the smooth transfer of my responsibilities before leaving.

If this company is one you may need again, either in continuing work or networking, or if there is a possibility of cooperation in the future, consider offering to help in the interviewing, hiring, or training of your replacement.

Final Sentiment

Thank you for allowing me to serve ABC Company.

Again, I wish ABC Company continued success.

Sincere thanks and best wishes for the future.