Letter of resignation – Tutorial
You have made the decision that you would like to move on, all that’s left to do is inform your boss. Should you write a resignation letter? If so, what exactly should you say? Resignation letters can be intimidating, even when you are fully prepared to leave your job.
Fortunately, there isn’t much to writing a resignation letter outside of a few guidelines.
A resignation letter is generally a formality, but it is a sign of respect and is often expected. Remember that while you may be unhappy with your boss or your job, that the letter is written and will probably be placed in your employee file. In other words, letters can be permanent, so keep them positive. It is important to view the letter as a way to part in a friendly, professional way, with the possibility of securing a good reference for later on in your career.
Your resignation letter should contain three main components at the very least:
1) The date your resignation becomes effective.
2) An explanation for resignation.
3) A short mention of the positive aspects of working for your current employer.
Remember that when creating your resignation letter it may be kept on file for future reference. It may be used when future employers request references, or in the evaluation of past performance if you should happen to re-apply for a new position with the company.
Therefore, NEVER make negative statements about your company, co-workers, supervisors, bosses, owners, or policies in this letter.
The resignation letter needs to remain professional, and if not positive, at least polite. There may be lots of things you want to achieve with this letter, but getting even with a past employer or taking out your frustration on the company should not be one of them.
Do not use the company letterhead for your resignation letter. The intended use of company letterhead is to represent the company. The resignation letter is representative of you, as an individual. Your resignation does affect the company, but using stationery that the company has paid for in order to tender a resignation is simply poor form.
Provide carbon copies of your resignation letter to all relevant leadership in the company. Also make and keep a copy of this resignation letter for your own record.
Resigning using e-mail is not an option. This should be a hard-copy document.
Use either your own letterhead containing contact information or a blank sheet with your full address in the usual letter format, even if you are hand-delivering this letter.
Company Title and Full Address of recipient:
Dear: Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss
First Paragraph:
should state that you are resigning and give the date when your resignation is effective.
Second Paragraph:
should give the explanation for your decision to resign.
Third paragraph:
should thank your employer for the opportunities you have had during your employment with the company.
Fourth paragraph (optional):
should offer your assistance in hiring and training your replacement
Final sentiment
Sign off