Economic issues - the business cycle, unemployment, taxation – Practice 2
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word or phrase in the correct form.
- Since I paid too much in my income tax, I will get a and have enough money to get myself a nice new dress.
- The government special taxes on petrol, alcohol and tobacco.
- I thought that the real estate prices reached their last year and they wouldn't go up anymore. I was wrong. Now, I will never have my own house.
- unemployment exists when people choose not to work, often because they cannot find jobs that pay enough money (e.g. more than social security benefits)
- After such a long boom you should have expected a or a bust in their economy. You can't grow forever.
- After last year's floods the government was forced to borrow extra money for humanitarian air and so its increased significantly.
- Thanks to a legal and good layers he avoided going to prison. There was no law he broke, although, what he did, was not exactly ethical.
- Some people hire expensive accountants to tell them how to taxes – legally, of course!
- I quit smoking last year, because the government raised excise on tobacco. I simply can't afford buying cigarettes anymore.
- The only reason why he supports the orphanage is that charity is tax and he will do anything to pay lower taxes. Scum!