Legal problems – New Vocabulary Practice
Fill in the missing words. Choose one of the words below. Sometimes you need to put them in the right form.
- Captain Wren has the strong, unwavering leadership and judgment we need in this time of war and terrorist threat.
- Most of us will not mind paying a higher if the insurance covers more medicare expenses.
- Does installing the Flash player allow sites to use my webcam to on me? Am I too paranoid?
- On his new webpage an ex-Burger King employee gives his negative views on the company, and allows other ex-employees to post on a message board.
- There is sufficient evidence in the public domain to strongly suspect that Bush election fraud in the handling of the US Attorney firings.
- Our boss the impact of the demonstration on the company sales. It wasn't that bad!
- The mysterious cosmic presence called dark energy, which is accelerating the expansion of the universe, might be in hidden dimensions of space.
- When a person lies he needs to another lie to cover his tracks... Some people simply enjoy lying and I think they are so used to it that they cannot differentiate between the truth and lies anymore...
- Intel Corp. plans to off 800 workers from a chip-making plant in Colorado by August, after Marvell Semiconductor Inc. began ordering those parts from another supplier, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
- Are you ? Be careful! People who seem to always be looking for a fight may find themselves at greater risk of heart disease, a new study suggests.